Haere Mai, welcome!

To the Catholic Church in
Aotearoa New Zealand
O te Hāhi Katorika ki Aotearoa


If you, or someone you know has been abused by a Catholic priest or member of a religious congregation, we urge you to seek counselling and healing. Your call will be taken with sensitivity and confidentiality.

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CBC hp sllider safeguarding

Our Story

Ko te waka o Petera ki Aotearoa
The canoe of Peter in Aotearoa New Zealand

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Jerusalem Hiruharama 3

Youth and the Church

The world is in need of courageous young people, who are not cowed in the face of difficulties…

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CBC hp sllider hongi youth
Among the baptised some are called to the ministerial priesthood as deacons, priests and bishops.

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CBC slider Deacons Pat sized
We invite people
to enquire about
the Catholic Faith

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CBC slider Br Guy teaching


The New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference (NZCBC) is the national body for the bishops of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Conference has a Secretariat located in Wellington, and a number of agencies and offices to assist the bishops in carrying out national level functions.

In the Roman Catholic Church an Episcopal Conference, Conference of Bishops or National Conference of Bishops is a body of bishops generally defined by geographic borders. All the bishops in a given country belong to the same conference, which might also include neighbouring countries.

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Archbishop Pintér arrives as Pope’s new ambassador

Archbishop Pinter presents his credentials to Dame Cindy Kiro

Pope Francis’ new ambassador to New Zealand and the Pacific has formally…

Find us

Dioceses in New Zealand

There are six dioceses in New Zealand. The Archdiocese of Wellington is the metropolitan diocese in New Zealand, and the other dioceses, are suffragen dioceses. Click on the map above to find out more about each diocese.