Rebecca Taylor-Hunt the new director for Catholic Enquiry Centre

Rebecca Taylor-Hunt has been appointed Director of the Catholic Enquiry Centre, the agency of the NZ Catholic Bishops Conference dedicated to evangelising in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Rebecca has a background in writing, business and education. She was previously Director of Religious Studies at Sacred Heart College in Lower Hutt. She lives and worships in the Parish of Te Awakairangi in Lower Hutt with her husband and their teenage daughters.

Based in Wellington, Rebecca (pictured above) brings a fresh approach to evangelising.

"I'm looking forward to expanding the Catholic Enquiry Centre’s reach using social media, digital publishing and by getting out and about, visiting communities,” she says. “I hope that people will see me as approachable."

You can contact Rebecca at

The Catholic Enquiry Centre helps to make the Church more alive and make Christ more known by informing and inspiring people inquiring about matters of faith. It is a point of contact for non-Catholics or people with no religious background searching for more; for those who were once Catholics finding their way back; or Catholics looking to deepen and be more active in their faith to share it with others.

Visit Catholic Discovery, the digital wing of the Catholic Enquiry Centre, here.