NZ Catholic Bishops’ statement calls for action to end Palestinian suffering

The Catholic bishops have issued a formal statement on the suffering of Palestinians in the Holy Land, noting it is 20 years since another they wrote, but little has happened to solve the conflict there in the 20 years since its writing.

"It is a matter of great anguish for the Bishops of Aotearoa New Zealand that the Holy Land continues to be a land of turmoil, bloodshed and fear for many of those who live there, but most particularly for the ordinary Palestinian peoples of the occupied territories of the West Bank of the Jordan River and of Gaza," the bishops say in their new statement. "Many of the Palestinians are followers of Islam, but a substantial number are also Christian. For decades now, these ordinary Palestinians have been reduced to the status of refugees in their own homeland."

Read the statement in full here in ordinary text and here in PDF format.